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World of Warcraft: Legion
World of Warcraft: Legion

World of Warcraft: Legion was the sixth expansion pack for the original World of Warcraft. It was the successor of Warlords of Draenor and the predecessor of Battle for Azeroth.

When did Legion came out?

Legion first came out on August 30, 2016 worldwide.

What’s new?

The sixth expansion of World of Warcraft gave us many new things:

New maximum level

The maximum level was raised from 100 to 110.

A new hero class

The demon hunter was the second hero class introduced in World of Warcraft. Hero classes start the the game at a higher level than the usual level 1. In the past demon hunter characters started at level 55, now it is level 8.

A whole new continent

As a member of the Horde you can use the portal to Azsuna in the portal room in Orgrimmar. As a member of the Alliance you can use the portal to Azsuna in the portal room in Stormwind. The Broken Isles brought you many new things:

  • 6 Zones
  • 13 Dungeons
  • 5 Raids
  • and other things like artefact weapons, an improved transmogrification system and world quests