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World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria

World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria was the fourth expansion pack for the original World of Warcraft. It was the successor of Cataclysm and the predecessor of Warlords of Draenor.

When did Mists of Pandaria came out?

Mists of Pandaria first came out on September 25, 2012 worldwide.

What’s new?

The fourth expansion of World of Warcraft gave us many new things:

New maximum level

The maximum level was raised from 85 to 90.

A new race

The Pandaren joined the Horde AND the Alliance. After completing the starting zone you can choose for yourself to whether join the Horde or join the Alliance.

A new class

Monks can be played as a tank, melee damage dealer or healer. Almost every race (except goblins and worgen)

A whole new continent

As a member of the Horde you can use the portal to the Jade Forest in the portal room in Orgrimmar. As a member of the Alliance you can use the portal to the Jade Forest in the portal room in Stormwind. Pandaria brought you many new things:

  • 8 Zones
  • 9 Dungeons
  • 5 Raids
  • 1 Arena
  • and other things like the pet battle system, brawler’s guilds, challenge modes, scenarios, flexible raids and the black market