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World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade

World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade was the first expansion pack for the original World of Warcraft and the predecessor of Wrath of the Lich King.

When did The Burning Crusade came out?

The Burning Crusade first came out on January 16, 2007 in North America, Europe and Asia and one day later in Australia.

What’s new?

The first expansion of World of Warcraft gave us many new things:

New maximum level

The maximum level was raised from 60 to 70.

Two new races

The Blood Elves joined the Horde and the Draenei joined the Alliance. With them came another innovation: Now the Horde could play as a (Blood Elf) paladin and the alliance could play as a (Draenei) shaman, previously exclusive to the respectively other faction.

A new profession

As a Jewelcrafter you can use minerals to make rings, necklaces and trinkets. You can cut gems for socketed items, which also have been introduced to the game with The Burning Crusade.

A new way to PVP

The Burning Crusade brought you the PVP Arenas. Now you could fight against other people in small arena-like areas in 2 vs 2, 3 vs 3 or 5 vs 5 matches.

A whole new planet

Down in the Blasted Lands, near Stonard, there is the Dark Portal, that brings the player to the Outlands. The Outlands brought you many new things:

  • 7 Zones
  • 16 Dungeons
  • 8 Raids
  • 1 Battlefield
  • and other things like flying mounts, the guild bank and the dungeon finder